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What Does Physical Activity Have To Do With Mental Health?

 Physical Activity for your Mental Health

Physical Activity Can Improve Symptoms of Mental Illnesses!

A study done by Joseph Puyat, found that yoga and other types of physical activity reduced many symptoms of mental illnesses by reducing stress, allowing for better mood regulation, and increasing positive feelings of well being.

Don't Want To Join a Gym? No Problem!

One study showed that an increase in daily activity significantly reduced the symptoms in people with severe mental illness such as psychotic disorders, major depression, and bipolar. This means simple activities such as going to the park, grocery store, church, movies, etc all increased physical activity and as a result improved mental health.

Physical Activity Improves Brain Function In Everyone!

You may not struggle with a specific mental illness, however getting you're body moving will still improve your brain function! When you move your body, your brain produces more neurotransmitters. This helps you have more energy, reduce stress, and feel good!

Check out this video by "Before Skool" to see how getting your body moving in the morning can improve your mental health!


Where Do I Start?

Often times the idea of exercising may seem overwhelming. You may wonder, "How can exercise help my mental health when the idea of it stresses me out?" Do not stress! We are here to help. Here are some simple movements to increase your physical activity and help your mental health!

Walking Club


Take 20 minutes each day and go for a walk! According to the American Psychology Association, 2.5 hours of walking a week lowers the risk of depression.

Downward Dog Pose


Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and improve physical activity. You may alter intensity to match your needs an no equipment or membership is required!



Swimming is an easy way to incorporate more movement within your day and is easy on the body for those who require low impact exercises. 

Zumba Fitness Class

Group Fitness Classes

This is a great way to get moving in a social setting! Invite your friends to join you or meet new people in your classes. An instructor will support and help you with your new journey.

Children Playing

Playing with Pets or Children

This may seem basic but is certainly a way to increase physical activity! Plan 30 minutes a day a few times a week to play with your child or pets outdoors, such as a backyard or a park.

Person Cleaning Window


Lastly, moving around your living space will increase your physical activity. If you are a person who enjoys cleaning and organization, plan to do movement oriented chores such as moping, vacuuming, dusting, and more on days you don't feel you have been active.

Group Reformer Workout

What Is Next?

For more information regarding how physical activity affects mental health, visit the American Psychological Association. They provide extensive resources, podcasts, research articles, and more, to help you get started and get moving!


American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Want to boost your mental health? take A walk. Monitor on Psychology. Retrieved April 22, 2023, from


Puyat, Joseph H., et al. "A Rapid Review of Home-Based Activities that can Promote Mental Wellness during the COVID-19 Pandemic." PLoS ONE 15.12 (2020)Web.


Snethen G, Brusilovskiy E, McCormick BP, Hiremath SV, Salzer MS. The relationship between community participation and physical activity among individuals with serious mental illnesses. Ment Health Phys Act .2021;20:10.1016/j.mhpa.2021.100381. doi: 10.1016/j.mhpa.2021.100381. PMID: 34745346; PMCID: PMC8564502.

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